I talk a lot about safety, belonging and significance because these are the three foundational pillars to abundance you can feel. But they're not the only pieces of the puzzle. What building just has vertical pillars? Even the Parthenon, the most pillary, pillar thing...
The Dark Feminine & Wins
Sharing quick wins without context is standard practice for online business. But is it the best way to celebrate your clients, share your successes, and make more money when you’re in a service-based business? Sure, it attracts in new clients - who doesn’t want...
Consumers, Capitalism, and Money You Can FEEL
Are you constantly chasing the next new thing? The next platform? The next innovation? The next strategy? And always feeling a step behind, because there’s always someone who had it first, or grew their faster, or saw bigger results. What if the truth is that...
Breaking in the workhorse of creativity
The shackling of creativity How children name things they don’t have labels for: Woof Elf - chihuahua Bearoplane - bat Penguin Shark - killer whale Pocket rabbit - kangaroo Unicorn Mermaid - narwhal Sword Hippo - rhinoceros Witch Eagle - vulture Witch...
I have been through the darkest heart
I have been through the darkest heart of me, pieces at a time, gradually returning to myself for as long as I can remember. The hurt and the pain. The fantasy and illusion. The need. The hopelessness. The idiocy of believing someone else could rescue me, only...
Three Manifesting Mistakes You Need To Stop Making Right Now
So you’ve tried manifesting? A bit of a hotch-potch? Scatter of different techniques for a little while each? And not really seeing the results to convince you that manifesting is real, even though you’d really like it to be, because you are SO ready to change your...
Imposter syndrome
Not so long ago, I would have had imposter syndrome writing about imposter syndrome. Seriously. I remember, with the bright eyes of youth, drinking wine out of a plastic cup at a department function (no glassware for parties in the academic money mindset!) and...
One of the hardest things to hear from others
One of the hardest things to hear from others is "I don't want to hear that" As a child, when your parents won't hear your sadness or your wishes. When you run home, heart bursting with pride and are told not to boast, it's not lady-like. Heaven forbid you...
3 Reasons your Clutter gets to you more as you Uplevel… And what to do about it
Is your home or office driving you mad, even although it hardly bothered you before? Maybe things you thought you might get around to one day suddenly feel incredibly pressing and feel you absolutely must deal with them right now, and you’re suddenly...
4 Signs that your Business is not Built on a Foundation of Inner Success
Ever heard “other people have it worse”? Maybe you’ve told yourself that too: suck it up, buttercup - other people have it worse. Be. Grateful. Be. Grateful. Be. Grateful. When I was sad as a child - which was a lot - I used to get shut in my room: “Don’t you...
“I’m sharing a win, I made more money this week in my business than on any other offer last year. And it was so easy. This money river is flowing today! I’m only $700 away from hitting my new monthly goal and it’s only the 2nd of the month!”
Morgana McCabe Allan is incredibly wise yet personable, revolutionary yet relational, and I’m so grateful to have had the opportunity to be coached through mindset calls with her. I will be hearing her words in my head for years to come!
“I signed my first client!! {…} I showed up on the call fully present, gave her everything I could and I told her I want to offer her a 3 month package where I will honour the free sessions I had posted about within the price point. And she signed up! 🙂 “