UNBECOMING: Your Unorthodox Guide to Radical Wholeness

Chapter Twelve: What comes after unbecoming?


Essential Oils

Siberian Fir

Siberian Fir, also known as ‘Abies Sibirica’ is a member of the conifer trees and the Siberian Fir oil is distilled from the needles and twigs of the tree. The Siberian Fir is less potent as some of the other conifer trees (Douglas Fir and Silver Fir) though it is known to bring a very intense calming effect on the nervous system. Siberian Fir oil has a deep pine scent. The oil has been used for journeying and grounding, particularly during periods of deep and or difficult changes in life.

bottle of Siberian Fir

More About The Oil

Supports movement into mature consciousness, bringing out deep wisdom and understanding

Encourages you to live in the present

Offers support during periods of transition in your life

Gentle, supportive and peaceful, encouraging positive reflections and perspectives

“Birthing the woman you are becoming means letting go of the one who lived in the illusion of who you were.”

-Dr. Morgana McCabe Allan

From Morgana

I’ve always had a special relationship with evergreen trees, and deeply connect to their potent role in ancestral work. In Scotland, we call a historic pine a “granny pine” (in the same way a historic beech is a queen, or a historic oak is a king) and this name just so potently underscores the wisdom of the evergreens in connecting us to living and past elders.

Siberian fir, in particular, is a very mature energy, and assists us as we transition from our youth and younger parenting years into a more mature role. One where we must face more grief and deeper trials, as we reconcile the life we’ve lived with the dreams we thought we’d live. When my closest cousin passed very suddenly nearly two years ago (in her 40s), Siberian fir was one of the most beautiful and powerful spiritual tools that I came back to over and over again, as I reflected on both loss and grief, and on my own aging, and the inevitable changes it brings.

Siberian fir is so perfect for accompanying the work of Unbecoming for exactly these qualities – it both gently supports open and honest assessment of where you are and aids you in reflecting upon where you’d like to be and the legacy you wish to leave. It eases loss and shows you your own evergreen nature as a soul, helping you find purpose and meaning in the midst of mixed lessons and blessings.


Dr. Morgana x

Practice Reminder

I love siberian fir for meditation, it’s a facilitator into magical soul exploration, showing you ancestral patterns, deep desires, and new pathways for inspired action, whilst gently helping you process the feelings that come up. I’ll often just pop a spot into my pillow or even into the neckline of a dark top, so that I can safely work with it during meditation.

Always make sure to check all safety information for any oil before you try using it. For more information, get the download here.

Why I picked these oils

When I was choosing the oils to accompany Unbecoming the book was already written and had already been read by 100s of people around the world. Adding them wasn’t a planned part of the book, but rather an acknowledgement of what the work actually takes - Unbecoming doesn’t happen in isolation, but in practice, with tools that support you every day, even when you’re not actively “doing the work”.

Over the 2 years since I completed writing on the first edition, I’ve been reflecting on what tools and guides have best accompanied my own Unbecoming throughout life, as it’s a process I’ve essentially always been in. Beyond that, which have best served mentees in my various different roles as a leader and facilitator of spiritual growth, over the past 27 years. The more I looked, the more I realised essential oils were everywhere - they were literally the reason I was thrown out of church in the first place.

The six oils I selected ultimately reflect the needs we have when we’re cut loose from a reality that felt real to us, albeit restrictive and ill-fitting, and begin to create anew. We need to cleanse negative energies with a clear head (eucalyptus), and to reconnect to nature and our own true nature (virginian cedarwood). We need to take back our power (ginger) and to ground into and amplify our own being and intentions (black pepper). We need to heal our wounds, grieve and move forwards positively (marjoram) and to consider what our own Unbecoming means for past, present and future generations, reconciling where we’ve been with where we wish to go as we move forwards, individually and collectively (Siberian fir). 

These oils are all incredibly potent on their own, but also offer many beautiful blending options to meet your changing needs day-by-day as you explore your own Unbecoming and the infinite expansion it offers. 


Dr. Morgana x

Further Reading

How Dr. Morgana McCabe Allan Helped Anusha Arulvel free herself of guilt and blame

How Dr. Morgana McCabe Allan Helped Anusha Arulvel free herself of guilt and blame

Working with Morgana offered Anusha something that she didn’t know she needed but she soon recognised that having support – and Morgana in her corner – at pivotal moments in her journey enabled her to thrive:

With all of the uplevels Anusha was experiencing, Morgana’s interdisciplinary approach incorporating mindset and inner healing, was exactly what she needed:

Morgana McCabe Allan is the most amazing business mentor I have ever had the privilege to work with. She has an incredible depth of knowledge, experience and an incredible support team. Her business model to create a six plus figure business stresses quality over quantity. This approach is very important to me as am not interested in the high pressure, bullying, click funnel approach that I have seen with other business mentors. Morgana meets you wherever you are in your process with a plan, support and positivity to get you to the next phase.
Liz O'Gorman


I joined Morgana‘s Mentoring Program as a First time business founder and am deeply grateful for the incredible support she has offered me throughout the start of my business journey. Working with Morgana has enabled me to build an energetic container to hold my business and myself with courage and consistency. With her I have done things I never thought I could, such as consistently showing up on social media and actually embracing marketing as a masterful skill that anyone can learn who is passionate about their work. Morgana was truly there for me with practical, emotional and creative support on every step of the way. She’s a lucky find in this industry, a genuine soul deeply committed to a feminine and liberated way of doing business.
Anna Lutz

Coach & Energy Healer

I found so much wholeness in myself, in my relationships and my happiness. And out of it was born a beautiful business. And it hasn’t even been a year yet. And I fivexed my revenue. I have consistent sales. I’m overly fully booked with one to one with the most beautiful clients. And one of the things that I think is so important is I have clarity. after all the healing that we did created this beautiful business that it could not be more perfect for me. It’s everything. It’s using my story, my journey, and, I mean, I attract clients so effortlessly. There are now dream clients that come forward, and it’s everything.
