Scarcity in your being isn't always caused by your mindset. It's deeply connected to physical health too. And to your monthly cycle. After ovulation, as your body begins to do the work of depletion, it's incredibly common to feel scarcity in your body - even though...
chapter one
Rachel Freemon Sowers broke out of the system that wasn’t serving her, manifested a new path for her business, and doubled her income
Rachel Freemon Sowers is a licensed therapist and visibility coach who helps soul led entrepreneurs create video and online content that aligns with their truest selves so that they can experience fulfillment, joy and prosperity.
“I’m sharing a win, I made more money this week in my business than on any other offer last year. And it was so easy. This money river is flowing today! I’m only $700 away from hitting my new monthly goal and it’s only the 2nd of the month!”
Morgana McCabe Allan is incredibly wise yet personable, revolutionary yet relational, and I’m so grateful to have had the opportunity to be coached through mindset calls with her. I will be hearing her words in my head for years to come!
“I signed my first client!! {…} I showed up on the call fully present, gave her everything I could and I told her I want to offer her a 3 month package where I will honour the free sessions I had posted about within the price point. And she signed up! 🙂 “