Ever wondered what the worst mistake I think you can make (based on my actual mistakes, of which there are SO SO many) actually is?


It’s not walking home at 3am in a seriously dangerous part of Glasgow with £5k in your bag because you’ve just started as a stripper and don’t understand that you can afford a cab ride now, because you are so used to being too broke to eat. Only to be picked up by the police. Because that’s not suspicious AF at all…

It’s not marrying someone you know next to nothing about, who lies all the time, is super secretive and abusive and turns out to have a secret gay alter-ego that is actually the ‘real him’ because you actually married the straight “alter-ego” he carefully constructed to trap you for money…

It’s not founding a grassroots movement and rapidly taking it to an audience in 39 countries, selling merchandise in 27 countries and having powerful positive impact leading that community, only to hand it over for maternity leave to a guy who mansplained to you why he didn’t need to “ask you how you did it” – only to kill the whole thing in a matter of weeks.

All of which (and more) I am sorry to say, I can count amongst my spectacular catalogue of homegrown, Morganic mistakes.

But none of them is the worst mistake. 


The worst mistake is the common thread between them all. That’s making decisions from where you are in the moment, without realising where you are is a MINDSET not a reality. And since that mindset is not the future best version of you who sees what you’re really capable of, the outcomes reflect that.

If I’d learned that lesson back earlier, I would have taken the cab. I mean seriously! I could earn the cab fare in THREE MINUTES back then. What was I thinking? 

I didn’t really believe I could make that kind of money again, so I couldn’t part with what I had.  

I would have said HELL NO to that marriage proposal. But I didn’t, because I didn’t believe anyone would ever want me again, so I took what I could get. 

I only said yes because I didn’t think I could make anything of life on my own. Marrying him just made it even more difficult! We get more of what we are… not what we want. 

I would have kept running that organisation, instead of thinking it would be better off in someone else’s hands, because I would have believed I would continue to do an amazing job! 

Witnessing that wonderful team falling apart and all that we’d build unravel was heartbreaking. But guess what, I learned my lesson… Finally! 

When I got pregnant again a year after baby no.1 was born, my research got BETTER. I showed up even more! When Duncan’s mental health was in the toilet, I knew there was a version of me who had already handled it and all I had to do was commit to her, we would rise again; and we did. 

When I got pregnant with baby no.3 (and I was homeschooling by the way), instead of thinking from my current circumstances, I thought about who I really wanted to be in the world. I founded this business a few months before she was born. She was only 7 months old when Duncan retired from his 9-5pm! And the magic that made this all possible – trusting that future me could handle it all and make magic with all of it. That’s it. It’s never some silver bullet strategy, because for strategies to work everything has to work perfectly, which keeps you circling in the present moment, fixating on what might be going wrong. 

Success is a much surer bet when you focus on being the person who can work anything out, and take actions from that knowing.  

There are so many places where I see people struggling in their business because they’re showing up from current circumstances, rather than a deeply embodied knowing of their inspired vision and self-trust.

It’s most obvious in how people invest in themselves, but truthfully, when it’s there, it’s generally everywhere.  

Just to be clear, investing from a “where I am now” mindset doesn’t mean people aren’t investing. It looks like a series of safe investments that quickly mount up, but never seem to really move things forward (safety by definition is about keeping us in our comfort zones). This keeps the bank balance low and results in check. The experience rapidly lowers self-belief, because if results aren’t forthcoming, we’ve been taught to interpret it as “failure”. 

What I want to say now is, that’s not what is happening at all. You have never failed.  Not in your investments. Not in any other way. Ever. In fact, you’ve been consistently succeeding at being who you believe you are. Because for better or worse, that’s who you know yourself to be, and over and over you’ll take the results which bring you back there.

Not to who you want to be.  


Getting to who you want to be (there is no other “where you want to be” but that) needs a whole other skill set. A scary one. A maverick one. And that is really hard to master alone when you’ve just never met the most incredible, glorious, goddess, North Star version of you.

Whatever you believe right now, she’s in there! She just needs encouragement to show herself, that’s all. 

Thankfully, you don’t have to sign up for a series of similarly earth-shattering mistakes to start that cycle. It’s also very possible with deep inner work and business implementation that are designed to work together, to turn your business into the exact vehicle that moves you towards being your best, most authentic you <3.  

In case you’ve ever wondered what I do, that’s how I can help you. By supporting you with the bespoke blend of soulful healing work, self-exploration and simple strategy you need to unfold your own potential. Because clients stay with me for such a long time, I take only a very few new 1:1 clients each year. You can see some of their stories here. 

Or you’d like to find out more about 1:1 work together, fill out the form here to get started with a loving and magical chat about what you’re looking for and whether or not we’re a good fit for one another. 


Dr. Morgana

Dr. Morgana McCabe Allan


There’s always more to LEARN

And here’s just a few starting points…

“I’m sharing a win, I made more money this week in my business than on any other offer last year. And it was so easy. This money river is flowing today! I’m only $700 away from hitting my new monthly goal and it’s only the 2nd of the month!”

Elena Saxton

Coach for Artisans

Morgana McCabe Allan is incredibly wise yet personable, revolutionary yet relational, and I’m so grateful to have had the opportunity to be coached through mindset calls with her. I will be hearing her words in my head for years to come!

Danielle Bettmann

Host of Failing Motherhood Podcast

“I signed my first client!! {…} I showed up on the call fully present, gave her everything I could and I told her I want to offer her a 3 month package where I will honour the free sessions I had posted about within the price point. And she signed up! 🙂 “

