How Dr. Morgana McCabe Allan helped Gina Miller grow her Facebook group by 800% and increased her leads by 400% in 3 months.

The Client:

Gina is an online personal fitness trainer, weight loss coach, and owner of GinaFit. She helps people get fit and confident without food restrictions.

The Problem:

A coach battling mindset blocks struggled to show up authentically for her audience

After leaving the corporate world to start the personal training and coaching business she’d always dreamed of, Gina found herself struggling to show up for her audience as her authentic self. 

She compared her business and fitness journey to the legions of other fitness coaches on Instagram, noting that they only shared working videos and ideas, never anything personal. They had tons of followers, and she believed that was the only way to grow as a coach. 

“And I think deep down, I was afraid of being rejected,” Gina said. “I didn’t know how to rise above that fear.” 

Those mindset traps stalled her business. She wasn’t confident doing sales calls, felt afraid to charge what she really wanted to, and was losing money with every client. “And I took every rejection personally.” Gina said.

Two years into her business she knew things had to change. 

After meeting Morgana, Gina knew she’d found the coach who could help her. 

The Solution:

A coach who combines mindset work, belief shifting, and overcoming shame to create a flourishing business

Gina joined Morgana’s group program Manifesting Masters (more detail here on MM) and signed up for her four month 1:1 intensive. 

They set up a trello board with belief-shifting activities for Gina to work through – structured prompts designed to create daily or weekly practices that would support her growing self-esteem. 

“She gets you to find the things that you’re good at,” Gina said. “Your strengths, some of them are really basic, but there are things that you probably wouldn’t think about so deeply.”

To start making authentic connections with her audience, Morgana helped Gina start to craft belief-shifting social media posts that went beyond “get a bikini body” marketing to touch on why her clients wanted to lose weight. 

Morgana also helped Gina own her past, use the lessons she learned growing up to help her  clients, and release shame that was holding her back. 
Another of Gina’s goals was to be a registered autónoma, an registration that would mark her as a legitimate self-employed business owner. Gina wanted to hit the threshold of income that would allow her to feel comfortable making the monthly payments, but she struggled to see her business as legitimate. Morgana taught Gina to see her business as a real business and to treat it as such. 

The Results:

One month after starting her 1:1 calls with Morgana, Gina was landing more clients.

Her leads increased by 400% in three months, and she created the steady income she’d been craving. Gina also grew her Facebook group from 50 members to 450 members, and started to share her story in an authentic and aligned way. 

“Her mentoring has been so valuable,” Gina said. “I’m going to go back and relisten to all the calls. Working with her this year has been the turning point in my business for sure.” 

Gina no longer dreads turning up for sales calls, as Morgana taught her how to “let go of the expectations/outcome” and she now signs clients with ease. Gina says that of all the clients that she didn’t close, it was because they didn’t feel like the right fit for each other.

Ready to take the next steps?

It's time to learn who you REALLY are.

How Dr. Morgana McCabe Allan Helped Anusha Arulvel free herself of guilt and blame

How Dr. Morgana McCabe Allan Helped Anusha Arulvel free herself of guilt and blame

Working with Morgana offered Anusha something that she didn’t know she needed but she soon recognised that having support – and Morgana in her corner – at pivotal moments in her journey enabled her to thrive:

With all of the uplevels Anusha was experiencing, Morgana’s interdisciplinary approach incorporating mindset and inner healing, was exactly what she needed:

“I’m sharing a win, I made more money this week in my business than on any other offer last year. And it was so easy. This money river is flowing today! I’m only $700 away from hitting my new monthly goal and it’s only the 2nd of the month!”

Elena Saxton

Coach for Artisans

Morgana McCabe Allan is incredibly wise yet personable, revolutionary yet relational, and I’m so grateful to have had the opportunity to be coached through mindset calls with her. I will be hearing her words in my head for years to come!

Danielle Bettmann

Host of Failing Motherhood Podcast

“I signed my first client!! {…} I showed up on the call fully present, gave her everything I could and I told her I want to offer her a 3 month package where I will honour the free sessions I had posted about within the price point. And she signed up! 🙂 “

