I have been through the darkest heart of me, pieces at a time, gradually returning to myself for as long as I can remember.


The hurt and the pain. The fantasy and illusion. The need. The hopelessness. The idiocy of believing someone else could rescue me, only to run into the arms of an abuser; a drug using, gambling addicted alcoholic; a massively in-the-closet narcissist. A dozen more ill-suited suitors by 21.

I’ve crawled my way back from the brink of debt, on my hands and knees, my own underwear in my teeth, working as a stripper. Been thrown out on my ass by the supposed family of God, for what they called witchcraft and I called being a woman.

Risen to the top of anything I put my mind to because I was functioning on pure, triple-distilled trauma drive and the desperate need to find worthiness.

I intimately know the deep sucking maw of success on the outside. Inside, the last death-throws of a decade of eating disorders, panic attacks, PTSD and so much more. Of keeping it all together. Being the good girl. Being enough for everyone, but heaven forbid not too much.

Even as a child, between the traumas and the dark nights of the soul, I dedicated every moment of my life to finding wholeness. To understanding how to be one person in a world that demands many faces. Seeking the person inside who experiences meaning and impact, and who always knows that whatever happens, she did the very best she could.

I’ve held every part of me, one at a time, in that dark. Held her and cried with her. Lifted her up to look at her, and rediscovered her wholeness.

As an interdisciplinary Ph.D, I’m a professional “jack of all trades” but I am not a master of none.    

I know my wounds in a way few ever will.


Not just their theory, but their practice, their substance, their feel.  The raw, excruciating horror and beauty of each. The tight, breath-stealing, heart-gripping crush of their healing, that feels like the desperate need to shed a whole skin. The mirror their silvery scars become.

I love the place where my fortress of solitude resides and the place where I can burn a wild fire right through my soul.

That’s my real qualification to do what I do.

I intimately know success from the inside, that manifests out like blossoms after winter.


It’s what created the changes in my own life, allowing me to build a wonderful business and to have amazing support in my life e.g. team, cleaner, housekeeper, gardener, savings and investments.

It’s what helps my clients to find completely new paths, new ways of being, old paths and old ways of being. To make huge personal leaps and to manifest their own definition of success, their way

I’m not here because I have a Ph.D upon which all my work with clients is founded.

Not here because I started my first business when I was 8, and have been in some form of entrepreneurship most of my life.

Not even here, because my business has helped put millions more dollars into the hands of women around the world, as they build businesses that support their own healing and growth.

I’m here in this moment because I know and love who I am, who I have been and who I’m willing to become enough to stay the course.

Your business is waiting for that version of you. It will take off when you know and love who you are, who you’ve been and who you’re willing to become.

To become the artist that crafts the lines of your own life, you have to be willing to look. It will always feels like it needs more courage and creativity than you have, because it needs more integrity than you have.

Not “moral integrity” but wholeness. That’s what integrity really is. 

Reclaim more of yourself and you’ll find more courage and creativity flood in.


Willingness to hold hands with your curiosity, hope and power. Willingness to speak truth in big, scary conversations. Willingness to change, knowing that you can’t know what the change will be until after it’s happened.

Willingness to let go. Surrender.

Birth the wild, free, glorious collage of you, and everything else manifests with much greater ease.

If you’re walking in the spaces between success and feeling stuck, between your own light and dark. You’ve created success before, but are fed up wondering how to finally make your business work with you so you can FEEL the abundance you know should be here, I can help. 


Dr. Morgana

Dr. Morgana McCabe Allan


There’s always more to LEARN

And here’s just a few starting points…

“I’m sharing a win, I made more money this week in my business than on any other offer last year. And it was so easy. This money river is flowing today! I’m only $700 away from hitting my new monthly goal and it’s only the 2nd of the month!”

Elena Saxton

Coach for Artisans

Morgana McCabe Allan is incredibly wise yet personable, revolutionary yet relational, and I’m so grateful to have had the opportunity to be coached through mindset calls with her. I will be hearing her words in my head for years to come!

Danielle Bettmann

Host of Failing Motherhood Podcast

“I signed my first client!! {…} I showed up on the call fully present, gave her everything I could and I told her I want to offer her a 3 month package where I will honour the free sessions I had posted about within the price point. And she signed up! 🙂 “

